Saturday, December 6, 2008

Celebrating Georg and Wilma Iggers' 60th Anniversary

This website was created as a place to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Georg and Wilma Iggers' wedding in Hamilton, Ontario on December 23, 1948. You can join the conversation by posting your best wishes, comments and favorite stories below.
The slide show at right shows pictures of Wilma, Georg, and our family, taken over the last 85+ years. Click on any of the images to see an enlarged version.
If you have photos or video that you would like to share, please send them to You can also mail your best wishes to Georg and Wilma at their home address, 100 Ivyhurst Rd., Amherst, N.Y., 14226, USA.


  1. Congratulations, Georg and Wilma!
    Your son,

  2. Georg and Wilma,

    You are models to us, through: your individual achievements, your joint contributions to bettering our society, and your love and commitment to each other. Thank you. With love, Carol





  4. Congratulation!

    I remember always your warm and dear advices, since we met in Germany and Korea. I have learnt so many things from your books and through personal contact with you. It was an unforgettable experience in my life that I met such kind people as you.

    Yukyong Kim, Kyungpook National University

  5. Dear Wilma and Georg,
    I have known Georg for a long time through German Studies Association. He has been a wonderful colleague. Wilma, I like your book on the women of Prague, one of my favorite cities.
    Congratulations and long life to you both.

    Ann T. Allen

  6. Georg is my favorite professor of all time. I will always fondly remember attending his historiography seminar in his home in suburban Buffalo and sipping hot cider kindly prepared by Wilma. Later, c. 1993, I recall faxing my papers to him in Germany. His comments were always incisive yet gentle. I don't think I would have made it through the Ph.D. program at SUNY B w/o his support.

  7. It is nearly exactly 30 years ago that I first met Georg in Hamburg and ever since he has been a most wonderful friend. Not very long after did I meet Wilma who has also been extremely kind to me and us(my mother and wife) whenever we met. Without Georg`s help I would have never been able to publish my historiographical bibliography and he also helped me in a number of other projects. We are always impressed by their annual reports - such a great number of manyfold activities!I wish that we had a fraction of the energy that keeps Wilma and Georg moving!We wish them a most wonderful anniversary and hope to see them in Hungary soon! Attila, Andrea and Alice POK from Budapest

  8. Dear Wilma and George, once more congratulations and hugs to both of you and your admirable 60 years of marriage. I've read nearly everything you both have written and can only wish you many, many years in a productive, happy and as ever energetic life.
    Mazal T'ov
    Eva and Isaac

  9. Dear Wilma and Georg:

    Our acquaintance is so slight that I feel somewhat out of place among these old friends of yours. But it was enough to make me regret that we never got to spend more time together. And enough to be pleased to have the chance to say "Happy Anniversary!"--and many more to come.

    Peter Novick

  10. Dear Wilma and Georg,

    I've enjoyed the few gatherings we've had with you as Jeremy's sister-in-law. I wish you both a year of celebration on this momentous occasion, and a time to soak in all the love and admiration you've earned over the years of your work to better this world. I also appreciate your contribution of a wonderful son that we've enjoyed as part of our family.

    Warm wishes to you,
    Peg Bouska

  11. Dear Wilma and Georg,


    I enjoyed a wonderful evening in September 2001 in Buffalo with you and your friends. The year after that, after moving to a new place in Göttingen, I was very happy to find out that you were just living across the street (Schillerstrasse). Since my mother's family immigrated form near prague to Germany, and since I never got the chance to talk to someone with a jewish first hand experience from this corner of Europe before I got to know you, I always felt very privileged having a conversation with you.

    Cordially, Achim Doerfer

  12. Georg is my first cousin. For the first few years of our lives we lived in the same town Hamburg, Germany. I have just a few vague memories of Georg and myself spending time together. Fast forward, and Wilma and Georg would drop in on us occasionally Friday night for a Shabbos meal in our patio in Elmira New York. Many years later Georg and I were in the Washington D.C. area at the same time, which gave us a chance to spend a delightful evening together at my daughter Miriam's home, celebrating Chanukah together with her family. To top it off, we look forward to Georg’s annual letter which keeps me in touch with happenings in our shared families. Meir and I wish Wilma and Georg many more happy, fulfilling years together,
    Ruth and Meir/Michael Novice

  13. You have certainly achieved a milestone and I wish you a happy day on this memorable occasion and further healthy, happy and fulfilling years to come.

    Warm regards
    Mary (Göttingen)

  14. From Spain, we wish you many more years of happiness...

    Carlos Barros
    History under Debate

  15. 1969 to 1977 constitute a span of years all the more memorable on account of Georg and Wilma being so prominent a part of life in Buffalo for Joan and me. I especially remember the Seder at which our very young (3 years old, perhaps) son, Jacob, having found the Afikomen, was asked by Georg what he'd like as a prize, and he said, totally unprompted, "a ladder," an idea he must have had from the fact that our house was then being painted and we had told him to keep away from the ladders of the painters. Georg then said, "Jacob's ladder," and the laughter must have lasted five minutes. Some of us, even though it was a Seder, even started to sing the song, but before we got to "Soldiers of the Cross," stopped, realizing it was not the best circumstances in which to celebrate the militant expansion of Christianity. Georg, it must be said, followed through and brought Jacob a tiny, three-step ladder which he cherished for a few years until it was inadvertently taken from our home (I think it was an honest mistake) by an electrician and we were never able to chase it down. Permit me to add that reading the previous posts has been great, too, especially seeing Gabriel and Joyce Kolko check in, which of course reminds me of the bail fund for the Hayes Hall 45 that Gabriel and I worked on together in relation to a sit-in that Georg was originally part of but I think, if I recall correctly, not actually arrested. Ah, Buffalo. Georg and Wilma, congratulations, and thanks for being what you are.
    --David and Joan Hollinger

  16. My best wishes to Georg and Wilma for their 60th Wedding Anniversary.

    In these times, it's a miracle to find a couple who had stayed together through thick and thin.

    This is an example ot me and everyone else who can see the beauty of this union.

    My loving greetings to you both.

    Vivian Lee White Baravalle Gilliam.

  17. Congratuations on your 60th Wedding Anniversary!

    Loving greetings from

    Vivian Lee White Baravalle Gilliam

  18. To experience the 60th wedding anniversary is given to few. Our warmest warmest congratulation and wishes for the future. We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Göttingen in the spring. Bo and Angela

  19. To experience the 60th wedding anniversary is given to few. Our warmest congratulations and wishes for the future. We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Göttingen in the spring. Bo and Angela

  20. Georg and Wilma
    Congratulations on your 60th Anniversary!
    It seems like yesterday when I met you in Little Rock and again when I arrived in Buffalo to begin working on my doctorate. Wilma said dinner is served promptly at 6:00 p.m. and you do not need an invitation. I was there probably 3 times a week or more. Thanks for your love, kindness, generosity and support throughout all aspects of my life. You inspired and encouraged me to finish the degree. I remember the time that we spent in Little Rock when you visited. My family always looked forward to your annual letter to find out the events of the year and the many travels. You must have worn out several passports. J

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful life with us and also, thanks for the door key. It was used often. We love you and wish you many more happy years.

    Priscilla, Sandra and Kara Davis, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, formerly Little Rock, Arkansas

  21. Heartiest Congratulations, Georg and Wilma, on the wonderful occasion
    of your 60th wedding anniversary.

    Since your marriage, you have both witnessed and been a part of
    great changes in the social and political fabric of the U.S. and around
    the world. As historians, you are better able than others to appreciate
    and understand the origins and significance of these changes.

    How fortunate that you have been able to make this journey together!

    With best wishes and love to you both and your entire family,

    Steve and Esther

  22. To see the photographs taken of the two of you can only impressed further how significant the marriage was, is and always--the union of mind and sprit of two people in a common good.

    Margo Kren

  23. To see the photographs taken of the two of you can only impress further how significant the marriage was, is, and always--in the union of mind and spirit of two people in a common good.

    Margo Kren

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Liebe Wilma und lieber Georg,
    zu Eurem 60. Hochzeitstag gratulieren wir Euch aufs Herzlichste und wünschen Euch noch viele viele glückliche, aktive gemeinsame Jahre! Mögen Eure vilfältigen Pläne gelingen!
    Wir wünschen Euch eine schöne und frohe Feier im Kreise Eurer Lieben und freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen in Göttingen im kommenden Jahr.
    Sehr liebe Grüsse
    Eure Monika und Albert

  26. Liebe Wilma, lieber Georg, Ihr seid ein so ueberzeugendes Paar, gerade deshalb weil jede/r von Euch auch so selbständig ist. Ist Georg in Korea, befindet sich Wilma in Bischofteinitz ecc.ecc. Dann gibt es einen Treff in Goettingen oder Buffalo und Wilma kocht(herrlich).Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf Euren Besuch in Wien im Fruehling.
    alles Liebe Edith und Erwin

  27. Liebe Wilma, lieber Georg!

    Herzlichste Glückwünsche zu Eurem 60. - unglaublich! - Hochzeitstag. Schon damals, als Ihr in Hietzing davon gesprochen habt, eine Doppelbiografie zu schreiben, habt Ihr schon ein halbes Jahrhundert zusammen gelebt. Seht zu und ich wünsche es Euch von ganzem Herzen, dass Ihr Euch und Euren Freunden noch weitere glückliche Jahrzehnte Eures Zusammenseins bereitet!

  28. Dear Wilma and Georg,
    tenemos un excelente y agradecido recuerdo de nuestros encuentros con Vds., desde Buffalo a Shanghai, pasando por Goettingen y Barcelona. Nos honramos con su amistad y nos alegra muchisimo su 60 aniversario de boda.
    Best wishes for you and all your family, from
    Familia Sanchez-Costa, Barcelona.

  29. Liebe Wilma, lieber Georg!
    Meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche zu euren 60. Hochzeitstag! Ich bin froh und dankbar, dass es euch gibt. Kennengelernt habe ich euch 1961 in eurer Wohnung Himmelsruh Göttingen (oder war es "Am Kirschberge?") Später dann, in den achtziger Jahren, sind wir Freunde geworden. Ich freue mich sehr, dass wir uns im April 2009 in Göttingen wieder sehen.
    Mit vielen guten Wünschen und lieben Grüßen

  30. Liebe Wilma (omi) und Georg (opi)!
    Christa und ich möchten euch herzlich zu eurem 60ten Hochzeitstag gratulieren, wir hoffen ihr macht euch eine schöne Zeit und freuen uns wenn ihr uns mal wieder besuchen kommt.

    Liebe Grüße,
    Micha und Christa

  31. Chers Wilma & Georg,
    Je suis heureux de fêter avec vous, votre famille et vos ami(e)s vos noces de diamant!
    C’est une grâce qu’il faut reconnaître comme telle! Et c’est un privilège aussi pour les parents et les ami(e)s de pouvoir partager avec vous ce moment singulier de votre vie!
    Mon souhait pour vous: la santé et la conservation de la jeunesse qui vous a toujours animé!
    Now, I must confess two things to you both on this occasion: 1st. I really can’t remember when I first met Wilma for the first time. Even though I know that I first met Georg,. and that I clearly remember it as though it would have happened yesterday. It was at the former Max-Planck Institut für Geschichte. Birgitt, Prof. Hartmut Lehmann’s personnal secretary was retiring, and - ein kleines Fest - in the “Halle” der Library was organized. There was a wonderful atmosphere. I came to start talking with Schumann, a researcher at the Institute. After two or three minutes talk, He showed me Georg and said: «do you see the man who is stands there and is talking to to Oexle, it is Prof. Georg Iggers.», and added: «a great historian!». Yet, the presentation didn’t stop there:« he his also well known for being a Civil Rights activist in US. He is involved in US Blacks struggles», he said. No sooner had he finished saying the last word, than I saw Georg ceasing his conversation and heading for where we stand. He straightforward presented himself to me, and I did the same too. Schumann then told him, that I was “ ein Gast von Herrn Lehmann”. After few words were exchanged, he made the proposal to meet few days later. We met indeed few days later in a Café, actually the only one in the area that is worth going. I remember that meeting. I also remember going another time with him to a Chinese restaurant. From that point, I really do not remember when Wilma appeared!. For, from that point, she has always been present. Not because each time I meet Georg, we spend our time speaking about her or not mentioning her at all, that would be the same thing! Perhaps, it is because each time I have met Georg, I have come to know what she would be doing at that time. The funny thing is that the first time I met her, I must have had the impression that I would not need a presentation at all! She must have appeared to me as I had thought she would appear to me. That perhaps explains why I can’t remember the moment with any precision.
    Someone else must have made the same experience as I have.

    There is an other issue on which I also can’t decide: Who of both in general is politically - I would put it in German - radikaler? At times I think it is Georg, at others it seems to be Wilma. So sometimes Georg is really moderate, while Wilma appears to be kompromisslos; and again at others, while Georg seems instead very radical, Wilma is the moderate. Yet in such debates, there is always a consensus at a certain level.
    Interesting enough is the fact, that I, the listener having to ponder on the arguments when this happens, can not decide who is right. Always both arguments at hand are worth considering and cogent. Right now, as you all know, I guess, while both are pro Obama, they do not agree on Obama’s wiseness in picking up Rev. Rick Warren. Few days ago, I read indeed an article from the NYT about his choice. I also must confess that in such ones, I am at loss. Among all those who may be involved in this debate, I assume Jeremy would be perhaps the one who may back Georg’s stand. Now, the trouble is that such involvement does not necessarily mean a chance for a new argument, for Wilma & Georg manage in such cases to consider all the views that are worth considering before sticking adamantly to their respective standpoint. What one could usually add when involved in is ... hope or faith. That is nothing in terms of arguments.
    To sum up: I am probably not the only one who may have witnessed what I have said in regard to both matters. Be that as it may, it is another way to tell you both Wilma & Georg that I have always enjoyed any occasion I have got to talk to you and that I wish you the best our your path.
    PS: By the way, Jeremy has got a very good idea in making this exchange possible . Bravo!
    Bien à tous les deux
    Jean Martin

  32. Chers Wilma & Georg,
    Je suis heureux de fêter avec vous, votre famille et vos ami(e)s vos noces de diamant!
    C’est une grâce qu’il faut reconnaître comme telle! Et c’est un privilège aussi pour les parents et les ami(e)s de pouvoir partager avec vous ce moment singulier de votre vie!
    Mon souhait pour vous: la santé et la conservation de la jeunesse qui vous a toujours animé!
    Now, I must confess two things to you both on this occasion: 1st. I really can’t remember when I first met Wilma for the first time. Even though I know that I first met Georg,. and that I clearly remember it as though it would have happened yesterday. It was at the former Max-Planck Institut für Geschichte. Birgitt, Prof. Hartmut Lehmann’s personnal secretary was retiring, and - ein kleines Fest - in the “Halle” der Library was organized. There was a wonderful atmosphere. I came to start talking with Schumann, a researcher at the Institute. After two or three minutes talk, He showed me Georg and said: «do you see the man who is stands there and is talking to to Oexle, it is Prof. Georg Iggers.», and added: «a great historian!». Yet, the presentation didn’t stop there:« he his also well known for being a Civil Rights activist in US. He is involved in US Blacks struggles», he said. No sooner had he finished saying the last word, than I saw Georg ceasing his conversation and heading for where we stand. He straightforward presented himself to me, and I did the same too. Schumann then told him, that I was “ ein Gast von Herrn Lehmann”. After few words were exchanged, he made the proposal to meet few days later. We met indeed few days later in a Café, actually the only one in the area that is worth going. I remember that meeting. I also remember going another time with him to a Chinese restaurant. From that point, I really do not remember when Wilma appeared!. For, from that point, she has always been present. Not because each time I meet Georg, we spend our time speaking about her or not mentioning her at all, that would be the same thing! Perhaps, it is because each time I have met Georg, I have come to know what she would be doing at that time. The funny thing is that the first time I met her, I must have had the impression that I would not need a presentation at all! She must have appeared to me as I had thought she would appear to me. That perhaps explains why I can’t remember the moment with any precision.
    Someone else must have made the same experience as I have.

    There is an other issue on which I also can’t decide: Who of both in general is politically - I would put it in German - radikaler? At times I think it is Georg, at others it seems to be Wilma. So sometimes Georg is really moderate, while Wilma appears to be kompromisslos; and again at others, while Georg seems instead very radical, Wilma is the moderate. Yet in such debates, there is always a consensus at a certain level.
    Interesting enough is the fact, that I, the listener having to ponder on the arguments when this happens, can not decide who is right. Always both arguments at hand are worth considering and cogent. Right now, as you all know, I guess, while both are pro Obama, they do not agree on Obama’s wiseness in picking up Rev. Rick Warren. Few days ago, I read indeed an article from the NYT about his choice. I also must confess that in such ones, I am at loss. Among all those who may be involved in this debate, I assume Jeremy would be perhaps the one who may back Georg’s stand. Now, the trouble is that such involvement does not necessarily mean a chance for a new argument, for Wilma & Georg manage in such cases to consider all the views that are worth considering before sticking adamantly to their respective standpoint. What one could usually add when involved in is ... hope or faith. That is nothing in terms of arguments.
    To sum up: I am probably not the only one who may have witnessed what I have said in regard to both matters. Be that as it may, it is another way to tell you both Wilma & Georg that I have always enjoyed any occasion I have got to talk to you and that I wish you the best our your path.
    PS: By the way, Jeremy has got a very good idea in making this exchange possible . Bravo!
    Bien à tous les deux
    Jean Martin

  33. Chers Wilma & Georg,
    Je suis heureux de fêter avec vous, votre famille et vos ami(e)s vos noces de diamant!
    C’est une grâce qu’il faut reconnaître comme telle! Et c’est un privilège aussi pour les parents et les ami(e)s de pouvoir partager avec vous ce moment singulier de votre vie!
    Mon souhait pour vous: la santé et la conservation de la jeunesse qui vous a toujours animé!
    Now, I must confess two things to you both on this occasion: 1st. I really can’t remember when I first met Wilma for the first time. Even though I know that I first met Georg,. and that I clearly remember it as though it would have happened yesterday. It was at the former Max-Planck Institut für Geschichte. Birgitt, Prof. Hartmut Lehmann’s personnal secretary was retiring, and - ein kleines Fest - in the “Halle” der Library was organized. There was a wonderful atmosphere. I came to start talking with Schumann, a researcher at the Institute. After two or three minutes talk, He showed me Georg and said: «do you see the man who is stands there and is talking to to Oexle, it is Prof. Georg Iggers.», and added: «a great historian!». Yet, the presentation didn’t stop there:« he his also well known for being a Civil Rights activist in US. He is involved in US Blacks struggles», he said. No sooner had he finished saying the last word, than I saw Georg ceasing his conversation and heading for where we stand. He straightforward presented himself to me, and I did the same too. Schumann then told him, that I was “ ein Gast von Herrn Lehmann”. After few words were exchanged, he made the proposal to meet few days later. We met indeed few days later in a Café, actually the only one in the area that is worth going. I remember that meeting. I also remember going another time with him to a Chinese restaurant. From that point, I really do not remember when Wilma appeared!. For, from that point, she has always been present. Not because each time I meet Georg, we spend our time speaking about her or not mentioning her at all, that would be the same thing! Perhaps, it is because each time I have met Georg, I have come to know what she would be doing at that time. The funny thing is that the first time I met her, I must have had the impression that I would not need a presentation at all! She must have appeared to me as I had thought she would appear to me. That perhaps explains why I can’t remember the moment with any precision.
    Someone else must have made the same experience as I have.

    There is an other issue on which I also can’t decide: Who of both in general is politically - I would put it in German - radikaler? At times I think it is Georg, at others it seems to be Wilma. So sometimes Georg is really moderate, while Wilma appears to be kompromisslos; and again at others, while Georg seems instead very radical, Wilma is the moderate. Yet in such debates, there is always a consensus at a certain level.
    Interesting enough is the fact, that I, the listener having to ponder on the arguments when this happens, can not decide who is right. Always both arguments at hand are worth considering and cogent. Right now, as you all know, I guess, while both are pro Obama, they do not agree on Obama’s wiseness in picking up Rev. Rick Warren. Few days ago, I read indeed an article from the NYT about his choice. I also must confess that in such ones, I am at loss. Among all those who may be involved in this debate, I assume Jeremy would be perhaps the one who may back Georg’s stand. Now, the trouble is that such involvement does not necessarily mean a chance for a new argument, for Wilma & Georg manage in such cases to consider all the views that are worth considering before sticking adamantly to their respective standpoint. What one could usually add when involved in is ... hope or faith. That is nothing in terms of arguments.
    To sum up: I am probably not the only one who may have witnessed what I have said in regard to both matters. Be that as it may, it is another way to tell you both Wilma & Georg that I have always enjoyed any occasion I have got to talk to you and that I wish you the best our your path.
    PS: By the way, Jeremy has got a very good idea in making this exchange possible . Bravo!
    Bien à tous les deux
    Jean Martin

  34. Dear Wilma and George
    our best wishes to your 60th wedding aniversary. The first time, we met you was in the Jewish Congragation in Göttingen about 10 years ago. Since than, it has always been a pleasure and a honour knowing you and we are proud that you call us friends. We are looking forward to seeing you again
    Heinz, Beate, Chawwah and Verred

  35. Lieber Georg, liebe Wilma,

    auch von uns alle guten Wünsche zu diesem bemerkenswerten Tag - wir wünschen Euch noch viele glückliche Jahre zusammen!

    Anja und Manfred, Heidelberg

  36. Liebe Wilma, lieber Georg,

    ich wünsche Euch alles Gute und Liebe zu Eurem heutigen Hochzeitstag und vor allem Gesundheit und weitere glückliche Jahre zwischen der "alten" und der "neuen" Welt. Ich hoffe, dass wir uns 2009 mal wieder sehen können, wenn ihr in Europa seid.

    Herzliche Grüsse aus Berlin,

  37. the colleagues from the ancient Max Planck Institute for History would like to send best wishes to your parents' anniversary.

    With kind regards

    Birgitt Sippel

  38. I have never met Georg and Wilma in person but my many phone calls and emails to Georg have given me a glimpse into their lives. I always look forward to talking to Georg and enjoying his thoughts and incredible sense of humor.

    Best wishes on your special day and hope that the new year brings you good health.


    Miriam Wilhelm

  39. Dear Georg and Wilma,

    Greetings from Taiwan, one of the places you have visited and lectured in your global trekking, though I did not meet you in Taiwan, but rather across the Taiwan Strait in mainland China, back in 1984, I hope you would appreciate the rapid process of globalization, a subject you are interested in recent years. In many ways, you have promoted the globalization of historical study, playing a notable role in connecting historians across the world. And you achieved it with Wilma's help and support. Heartfel congratulations on your 60th anniversary. The love and mutual support between you and Wilma is truly exemplary and envious for all of us who have known you through the years.

    Qingjia/Edward, Ni and Maxwell Georg Wang

  40. Juraj and Zuzi from Slovakia:

    Dear Wilma and Georg, this site shows clearly how rich and full your live together has been so far
    and says also something very positive about a relationship you keep having with your children.
    Let us express on such a rare anniversary our admiration and warmest congratullations to you both! Many happy returns and full heath to 2009!
    Und noch auf "Mitteleuropäisch": bei uns sagt man bei 60 Jahren Diamantenhochzeit. Ihr seid wie die Diamanten: wunderbares Paar, wertvoll und dauerhaft. Wir sind stolz solche Verwandte zu haben!!!

  41. I read the remarks Danny made at the anniversary. My comments: I agree, entirely! I am not born from Georg and Wilma, but feel very much their product.
    With respect and admiration to you both-
    Timothy Block

  42. Dear George and Wilma,

    I share the sentiments expressed above and am very glad to send warm congratulations on your 60th wedding anniversary.

    Best regards,

    Jeffrey Herf

  43. Dear Wilma and George,

    Congratulations on your wonderful achievement, what a milestone!

    We are so thankful that we have been able to know you for almost forty years and that we are still able to share some of your political struggles for justice and human rights.

    50 years after your involvement in Little Rock,
    we see the light of hope growing stronger.
    Let us hope that Obama's election indicates a
    change toward more integrative and peaceful
    world politics.

    Love from
    Irene & Howard

  44. Lieber Herr Iggers, liebe Frau Iggers,

    wie ich von Ihrem Sohn erfahre, feiern Sie heute Ihren 65. Hochzeitstag. Auch wenn wir in den letzten Jahren keine Verbindung hatten, so stehen Sie beide doch lebhaft vor meinem inneren Auge - und ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich Sie kennen lernen konnte (und natürlich denke ich gerne auch an Göttingen oder an Nassau zurück).

    Ich wünsche Ihnen einen friedlich-fröhlichen Tag, und verbleibe mit herzlichen Grüßen und allen guten Wünschen


    Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
