Sunday, December 15, 2013

Celebrating Georg and Wilma Iggers' 65th Wedding Anniversary

Time flies! This website was created as a place to celebrate the
anniversary of Georg and Wilma Iggers' wedding in Hamilton, Ontario on December 23, 1948. 
You can join the conversation by posting your best wishes, comments and favorite stories below. The slide show at right shows pictures of Wilma, Georg, and our family, taken over the last 90+ years. Click on any of the images to see an enlarged version.
If you have photos or video that you would like to share, please send them to You can also mail your best wishes to Georg and Wilma at their home address, 715 Renaissance Drive, Apt. B-111, Williamsville, NY 14221 USA


  1. Dear Georg and Wilma,
    Congratulations on your 65th wedding anniversary.
    What a wonderful occasion!
    The slide show on the website brought back many memories!
    We will be thinking of you on December 23, and send
    love and best wishes to you both and your entire family.
    Alles Gute!
    Steve Moszkowski and Esther Kleitman

  2. Liebe Wilma, lieber Georg,
    ich bin dankbar für eine jahrzehnte lange Freundschaft und immer anregenden Gesprächen mit euch, einem so liebenswerten Paar!
    Alles Gute!

  3. Liebe Wilma, lieber Georg, alle guten Wünsche von Silke und mir zu Eurem Hochzeitstag! Und auch ich möchte mich für die vielen Jahre bedanken, seitdem wir uns erstmals 1988 in Darmstadt bzw. Buffalo trafen.
    Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin,

  4. What an amazing couple who have shared a lifetime companionship! I admire you and wish a happy aniversary.

    Woo Lim from Seoul, Korea
